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Search JCIS enter search term and/or author name Current Issue: Volume 1 Issue 2, December 2019 |
About JCIS The JCIS is a bi-anually, peer-reviewed international research journal that addresses both applied and theoretical issues of modern computing, Artificial Intelligence, Big data and IoT. We publish research articles, experience papers, and case studies in the various fields of applied and theoretical sciences. JCIS addresses the recent advancements in the field of artificial intelligence that has resulted in a number of emerging fields of research such as Ambient Intelligence, Pervasive Intelligence, Web Intelligence, Bio-Inspired Intelligence, and many more. Emergence in various new fields of intelligent computing has opened new horizons of research and development. It is an important aspect to see that how these advancements in the field of intelligent computing are effecting the human life. Moreover, we are interested to investigate the way of the modern intelligent technologies simplifying decision making and information processing. Authors can submit their papers any time through out the year. The Journal will accept and review submissions in English in any of the disciplines matching to the JCIS areas of interest. A body of international peers will review all submissions, with potential author revisions as recommended by the reviewers. For further details, visit "Instructions for Authors" section. |